Lemons to Laughter
Tim believes in the ripple effect caused by a single person making an effort to positively change their surroundings. “I’ve never seen a situation that couldn’t be made better with humor…” Tim’s “keep it funny” philosophy is ever-present in his daily life; his goal is to impact yours. “I think it’s been entirely too long since most of us have had a really good ‘belly laugh’…I want to change that”
Throughout these pages, Tim reminds us of the benefits of laughter and how to incorporate humor into every situation. Whether at home, work, away at college or on a date, Tim’s hilarious techniques provide an entertaining break from our daily routine and give us the perfect formula of how to turn lemons into laughter.
If you would like to pick up a copy you can do so here:
Buy Lemons To Laughter
If you would like to reinforce the Message of Tim’s show or keynote and let your attendees take the message home with them? Picture this…It’s the end of Tim presentation and your people are thoroughly entertained and inspired.
They want more!
Why not give it to them?
During the presentation a book will be given out to the audience member that assists Tim on stage, as a token of thanks. Tim can then spring your surprise on the other attendees: They can’t by the book, because you are giving them each a copy right after the show.
If you are interested in this, Tim offers deep discounts of at least 50% or more.